Macronutrients is a dietary category that is composed of carbohydrates, protein, and fat. “Macro” stands for fat, and humans require more of these types of nutrients than the “micronutrients,” which are vitamins and minerals. The amount of the different macronutrients that athletes require varies on the type and intensity of activity that they are engaging in. Read on to learn more about how macros can support your performance. The Meeting Point is a top Miami nutrition guidance resource. Call The Meeting Point today for support with weight loss Miami, FL trusts.


How Macronutrients Support Performance


Here’s a quick rundown of what athletes should be informed about their macros:

  • Carbohydrates- This is the main source of fuel during aerobic exercise, which is why it’s so essential for athletes to consume adequate quantities. This ensures that they have readily available stores of carbohydrates in the muscle, liver, and bloodstream. For moderately active people, a well-balanced diet of which half the calories are composed of carbohydrates should be enough. Endurance athletes however may need proportionately more (55-65 percent of total calories) while ultra endurance athletes need even more (up to 75 percent of total calories). The Meeting Point, who provides support for weight loss Miami residents trust, note that typically sports dietitians calculate carbohydrate needs based on body weight rather than a percentage of calories since it provides a specific intake goal to the athlete. 
  • Protein- Protein supports exercise, but not as a primary fuel source, since it has so many other important functions in the body. Dietary protein is required for muscle repair and growth, but it is also needed to make enzymes, which are proteins that assist with thousands of chemical reactions which take place in the body, including the production of energy from food. Hormones such as insulin and glucagon, which regulate your blood sugar, come from amino acids in the proteins that you consume. Your body also uses the protein in your diet to produce antibodies- proteins that assist in fighting infection. Typically recommended protein intakes are expressed as a percentage of total calories, and sports dietitians prefer to calculate protein needs according to body weight, just like with carbs.


Top Miami Nutrition Center

  • Fat- The body’s essential fatty acids come from dietary fats, meaning that your body is unable to make them so you have to get them externally. They play a key role in the structure of every cell in your body and function as a valuable energy source during activity. Rather than giving a precise amount of fat for athletes, sports nutritionists typically recommend an intake of around 25-30 percent of their total calories (the amount that’s recommended for the general population). Basically because carb and protein intakes are more specific, as long as those intake targets are met, fat intake tends to naturally fall within the recommended range.


Contact Us Today

It’s important to be informed about your macronutrients in order to optimize your performance as an athlete. The Meeting Point is a top Miami nutrition resource. Call The Meeting Point today for support for weight loss Miami, FL residents trust!

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